< Find Solace in the Solo - Golden Eagle Luxury Trains

Find Solace in the Solo

Despite two years of social distancing and isolation, travel agents are reportedly noting a significant increase in solo travel bookings.

After months of lockdown—in which we have felt out of control of our own lives and choices—people want to reclaim their freedom and power to do what they want, when they want.

‘The man who goes alone can start today; but he who travels with another must wait till that other is ready’ Henry David Thoreau.

Travelling alone need not be lonely. Solo travel fuels a unique feeling of freedom and adventure. Travelling alone opens the opportunity to meet new people and immerse yourself in new surroundings.  

Embrace the flexibility. Find solace in the solo and experience the Voyage of a Lifetime.

Let us inspire you with our luxury tour suggestions. This week we are shining the spotlight on the Golden Eagle Trans-Siberian Express and the wanderlust inspiring Trans-Siberian Itineraries.

Russia is an exquisite melting pot of cultures, cuisines, and communities – blending the provincial and the palatial – presenting the traveller with an everchanging palette of art, architecture and allure. 

Browse our tailor made selection of captivating Trans-Siberian voyages below – including our EXCLUSIVE route in June on the lesser-travelled Baikal-Amur Magistral mainline via Yakutsk.

Trans-Siberian Express Voyages

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